get involvedWe need your support to accelerate our journey for betterment of society through the instrument of quality education. Please reach us to inquire about donations/contributions.
Currently we are accepting donations only from India. These donations are exempted from Income Tax as per Sec 80G. If you are residing outside India and want to be part of the SPARK family, we urge you to drop us a message and we will get back to you.

Go GreenCare for SPARK and GO Green.​
We need computers, books, projectors, laboratory equipment, electronic items, musical instruments, furniture etc. in good working condition. We urge individuals and corporates to donate and get involved in the mission of neSPARK and contribute to the environment.

get involvedEvery spark you ignite will help brighten up someone’s life.
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Spend a few hours with SPARKIANS.
Visit the village of Mahanad.
Know more about the spirit of neSPARK.