Workshop - Seminars - Training

An Educational Tour to Kolkata

The Principal and the teachers at the Spark School, Mahanad are encouraged to continue to learn, and to improve their capacity to serve as effective educators. In India, educational tours are accepted as an essential part of education. So, this year the Spark School organized an educational tour for the students of class V to X on 1st December, 2017 to Kolkata. The trip highlighted two important places of Kolkata – The Indian Museum & the Birla Planetarium. A total of 51 students & 6 teachers involved in the trip. We started our journey at 7 am from the school premises. The main objective of this trip was to introduce children to museum because museums open up a world of imagination, exploration & can develop higher critical & creative thinking skills, which are integral to future success. Firstly, we visited to Indian Museum which is a multipurpose & multi – disciplinary institution of national importance.

It is considered to ninth oldest regular museum of the world. The pupils enjoyed to see the galleries of Art, Archaeology, Textile, Anthropology, Geology, Numismatic, Paleontological and Mask Gallery. The children thoroughly enjoyed the visit and were mesmerized to see the four thousand year old mummy in the Egyptian gallery. The gigantic head of a Stegodon Ganesha, with its 10 feet long tusks, literally flabbergasted the students. Then, our next visit was M.P.Birla Planetarium the first & the largest planetarium in India. Everyday several of interesting & informative shows are conducted for the visitors. The shows comprises of ‘ Zodiac Signs & Stars ‘ , ‘journey to Antarctica’ & ‘ New view of the solar system ‘. We were enthralled & allured by the spectacular shows of constellations, zodiac patterns of the sky and space probes. A visit to a planetarium is sure to set the heart racing of any science enthusiast. The children enjoyed very much as it is an unexampled centre of science , communication & environment & provides information about our solar system , galaxies , life span of stars , space , planets & other heavenly bodies through the Carl Zeiss Hybrid Projection System, powered with an Opto-mechanical projector produced a unique depiction of the cosmos . We witnessed a never – seen- before visual experience. It provides vivid & colourful images celestial objects, events & also a depiction of the night’s sky as seen by a human eye. Finally around 6.30 pm we returned back to our school. Last but not the least, the students enjoyed the trip very much & had an incomparable experience.

Visit to Birla Industrial & Technological Museum
[BITM] (3rd February, 2017)

Any person studying science or a science minded person must visit the Science Museum, like BITM, to have knowledge of practical applications. The students of classes VI to IX of Spark School visited BITM to witness some regular activities of this museum to gain some knowledge. The activities are: 3-D film show ”Lost World”; Electricity Gallery and High Voltage Electricity; Coal Mine Show; Science shows on Magic; Applications of Physics; Taramandal (Inflatable Planetarium); Mathematics Gallery . These activities proved to be of great use in their upcoming future in the field of science and the students enjoyed a lot and showed their eagerness in this type of future visit.

Visit to Harayana School (6th December,2016)

On 6th December, 2016 two students from Class IX Romit Roy and Sumit Roy participated at Haryana Vidyamandir, Kolkata on the topic “Mathematics in Astonomy”. It was a great for the students – Mathematics is applicable directly or indirectly in every field of life -- the concept apparently sounds impractical, but by participating this programme the students understood Mathematics is needed in every sphere of life. The students were accompanied by our science teacher Prasanta Bhattacharyya.


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